Henry and Mudge系列讲的就是小男孩Henry和他家的大宠物狗Mudge之间的日常生活故事。语言非常简单,适合已经开始自主阅读的小童或大童,如果确实孩子貌似也喜欢这套故事,也可以做亲子阅读,不过,因为每个故事都有40来页,孩子可能没耐性从头听到尾,随孩子的意思读到哪算哪吧。
Cynthia Rylant除了写了Henry and Mudge系列,还写了Henry的表妹Annie和她的宠物兔Snowball之间的日常生活故事。
Henry and Mudge系列我这里有28本都带音频,练习册有32本(我没有一一核对练习册和故事书)。Annie and Snowball我这里只有5本的pdf,没有音频,也没有练习册。
看看Henry and Mudge系列的目录吧:
01 HenryandMudgeTheFirstBook
02 Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble (1987)
03 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time (1987)
04 Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon (1987)
05 Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days (1988)
06 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea
07 Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers (1989)
08 Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat (1990)
09 Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps (1991)
10 Hanry and Mudge Take the Big Test (1991)
11 Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend (1992)
12 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind (1993)
13 Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (1994)
14 Henry and Mudge and the Best Day of All (1995)
15 Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees (September 1998)
16 Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers
17 Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
18 Henry and Mudge and Annie s Good Move (January 2000)
19 Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan (October 2000)
20 Henry and Mudge and Annie s Perfect Pet (February 2001)
21 Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House (2002)
22 Henry and Mudge and Mrs Hopper s House (February 2003)
23 Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase (October 2003)
24 Henry and Mudge and The Funny Lunch
25 Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas (October 2004)
26 Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas (April 2005)
27 Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip (October 2005)
28 Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover (May 2007)
看看Annie and Snowball系列的目录吧:
Annie and snowball_dress-up birthday
Annie and snowball_Magical House 1
Anny and snowball_and the cozy nest
Anny and snowball_pink surprise 1
Anny and snowball_shing star
看看Henry and Mudge系列及Annie and Snowball系列的截图吧:
儿童英语初级桥梁书 Henry and Mudge系列和Anny and snowball系列 PDF绘本 百度网盘下载地址: