
斯科特SCOTT FORESMAN儿童英语分级读物K-6级 PDF点读版+音频+教师书+教学指导+练习册

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G4 ELL Readers MP3.rar
G4 ELL Readers.rar
G4 Leveled Readers MP3.rar
G4 Leveled Readers.rar
G4 Leveled Science Readers MP3.rar
G4 Leveled Science Readers.rar
G4 Social Studies Leveled Readers MP3.rar
G4 Social Studies Leveled Readers.rar
G5 ELL Readers MP3 非合并.rar
G5 ELL Readers MP3.rar
G5 ELL Readers.rar
G5 Leveled Readers MP3 非合并.rar
G5 Leveled Readers MP3.rar
G5 Leveled Readers.rar
G5 Leveled Science Readers MP3.rar
G5 Leveled Science Readers.rar
G5 Social Studies Leveled Readers MP3.rar
G5 Social Studies Leveled Readers.rar
G6 ELL Readers MP3.rar
G6 ELL Readers.rar
G6 Leveled Readers.rar
G6 Leveled Science Readers MP3.rar
G6 Leveled Science Readers.rar
G6 Social Studies Leveled Readers MP3.rar
G6 Social Studies Leveled Readers.rar
SCOTT FORESMAN Science Teacher&Student G1.rar
SCOTT FORESMAN Science Teacher&Student G2.rar
SCOTT FORESMAN Science Teacher&Student G3.rar
SCOTT FORESMAN Science Teacher&Student G4.rar
SCOTT FORESMAN G5 SE(Student Edition).rar
SCOTT FORESMAN 系列分级读物,1713本,从幼儿园开始,分阶段学习,学英文的同时也学习了阅读、科学、社科、文化等知识,是不可多得的好教材。每个pdf都内置语音(需要Adobe Reader9),点PDF文件中的播放图标播放语音,纯电子档,非扫描文件,纯正美音。
Reading Street 幼儿园系列教材包括了多样化的教学选择,像是理解力方面与丰富的创造性教学支持,针对音位辨识与自然发音、字汇、以及课程理解力等各方面的加强学习。
注:绿、黄、蓝是指封面中缝的颜色,同一级别相同课号讲述同一内容,难度按照绿黄蓝由易到难。例如:G1:绿色的1.2.6是Worker Bees,黄色的1.2.6是We Use Honey,蓝色的1.2.6是A Beekeeper's Work,都是讲述与蜜蜂有关的内容。
Reading Street 幼儿园系列教材包括了多样化的教学选择,像是理解力方面与丰富的创造性教学支持,针对音位辨识与自然发音、字汇、以及课程理解力等各方面的加强学习。
Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers系列以培养孩子的基础阅读能力为主,包含了各种体裁,
Decodable Readers
Decodable Readers系列致力于培养孩子的语言和发音能力,提供了相当可观的发音训练内容。
Leveled Science Readers
Leveled Science Readers系列科学分级读物帮助孩子在阅读中了解世界,掌握科学基础知识。
Social Study Level Readers
Social Study Level Readers系列社会类分级读物在阅读中,通过一个个生动的小故事,向孩子们传授社会的基本概念和知识。他包含了世界历史、美国历史、地理学等各方面的知识。
SCOTT FORESMAN Reading Street – Leveled Readers
Publisher: Scott Foresman
The Reading Street Leveled Readersare engaging texts that help children practice critical reading skillsand strategies. They also provide opportunities to build vocabulary,understand concepts, and develop reading fluency. The leveled readerswere developed to be age-appropriate and appealing to children at eachgrade level. The leveled readers consist of engaging texts in a varietyof genres, including fantasy, folk tales, realistic fiction, historicalfiction, and narrative and expository nonfiction. To better addressreal-life reading skills that children will encounter in testingsituations and beyond, a higher percentage of nonfiction texts isprovided at each grade.

SCOTT FORESMAN Decodable Readers
Publisher: Scott Foresman
The Decodable Readersprovide focused phonics and blending practice for each phonics skill.These can be used as resources to provide fluency practice forstudents. Phonics skills - short and long vowels, digraphs, diphthongs(vowels blends) - and other phonics skills are used to help improvestudent's reading skills. All vocabulary and phonics skills areretaught in these readers, so students have a higher chance ofachieving one hundred percent accuracy.

SCOTT FORESMAN Leveled Science Readers
Publisher: Scott Foresman/Dorling Kindersley(DK)
Contentleveled readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills– at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read andexplore the wonders of nonfiction. Leveled science readersdeliver science content to help address the individual needs of allstudents. They reinforce reading skills and strategies while promotingscience understanding.

SCOTT FORESMAN – Social Studies Leveled Readers
Content leveled readers teach social studiesconcepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s readinglevel – and allow students to read and explore the wonders ofnonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and Americanhistory, geography, etc content to help address the individual needs ofall students. Below-level (green), On-level (yellow), and Advanced(blue) selections give all students additional reading experiences andteach social studies content at different levels to spark studentcuriosity and create eager learners.

SCOTT FORESMAN Decodable Readers
Publisher: Scott Foresman
The Decodable Readersprovide focused phonics and blending practice for each phonics skill.These can be used as resources to provide fluency practice forstudents. Phonics skills - short and long vowels, digraphs, diphthongs(vowels blends) - and other phonics skills are used to help improvestudent's reading skills. All vocabulary and phonics skills areretaught in these readers, so students have a higher chance ofachieving one hundred percent accuracy.

SCOTT FORESMAN Leveled Science Readers
Publisher: Scott Foresman/Dorling Kindersley(DK)
Contentleveled readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills– at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read andexplore the wonders of nonfiction. Leveled science readersdeliver science content to help address the individual needs of allstudents. They reinforce reading skills and strategies while promotingscience understanding.

SCOTT FORESMAN – Social Studies Leveled Readers
Content leveled readers teach social studiesconcepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s readinglevel – and allow students to read and explore the wonders ofnonfiction. Social Studies leveled readers deliver world and Americanhistory, geography, etc content to help address the individual needs

斯科特SCOTT FORESMAN儿童英语分级读物K-6级 PDF点读版+音频+教师书+教学指导+练习册 360网盘下载地址:


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