看看南希·卡尔森Nancy Carlson这5个系列的目录吧:
Harriet and the Garden
Harriet and the Roller Coaster
Harriet and Walt
Harriet's Recital
Henry and the Bully
Henry and the Valentine Surprise
Louanne Pig系列:
Louanne Pig in the Mysterious Valentine
Louanne Pig in the Perfect Family
Louanne Pig in Witch Lady
Loudmouth George系列:
It's Not My Fault
Loudmouth George and the Big Race
Loudmouth George and the Cornet
Loudmouth George and the New Neighbors
Loudmouth George and the Sixth-grade Bully
Loudmouth George Earns His Allowance
Nancy Carlson的情商教育系列:
Smile A Lot
Think Big!
Think Happy!